August 7, 2023
Author: Adam Collins

Unveiling Is it a Safe a Clever Scam?

In response to numerous inquiries on ScamAdviser regarding the legitimacy of, I was curious to find out more about this online retailer. The website's too-good-to-be-true prices, potential association with a scam network, and negative customer reviews on Trustpilot piqued my curiosity, urging me to unravel the truth behind's claims.

Read on as we discuss this further and give you all the necessary tips to recognize a scam

Impersonation of A Red Flag

One of the first things that caught my attention was the striking resemblance between and the well-established brand Joules. The website seemed to impersonate the renowned brand, making it look like an official Joules online store. 


For starters, was registered in 1997, while was registered in 2023. This looks like a clever disguise to dupe people into thinking they are buying from a renowned brand.


This raised a significant red flag and left me wondering whether is genuinely affiliated with the legitimate brand or if it's just an attempt to dupe unsuspecting customers.

Too-Good-to-Be-True Prices: A Tempting Trap

As I browsed through the website, I couldn't help but notice the unbelievably low prices on almost every product. Some items were advertised with discounts as high as 90% off their original prices. 


While we all love a good deal, such steep discounts are often a hallmark of scam websites aiming to lure in bargain-hungry shoppers. It's essential to exercise caution when encountering prices that seem too good to be true.

Negative Customer Reviews on Trustpilot: Unsettling Experiences

To gain a better understanding of other shoppers' experiences, I turned to Trustpilot, a platform where customers share their reviews and feedback about various online businesses. 


One customer expressed doubts about the website's location, questioning whether it was truly based in Australia, as claimed. Furthermore, the reviewer even questioned whether was affiliated with a different potentially dubious brand, Popularbelt.

Association with a Unique Scam Network: Troubling Similarities

Digging deeper, I stumbled upon an unsettling pattern. shared striking similarities in its content, particularly the "About Us" page. Much of the content there is similar to what we call the Uniqueness Scam Network which has potentially over 12,000 scam websites.


We have covered quite a few such websites, like, and but despite all this, the scam network keeps on growing.  This discovery further fueled my concerns about the legitimacy of’s Dummy Social Media Presence: A Telltale Sign

In today's digital age, a strong and active social media presence is crucial for any reputable brand. However,'s social media links led me to empty or inactive pages, raising another red flag. The lack of genuine social media buttons is often indicative of a potential scam.


Lack of Contact Details: Navigating the Shadows

In the digital age, accessibility, and communication are paramount in establishing trust between an online retailer and its customers. A crucial aspect of any legitimate business is providing clear and readily available contact information for customers to reach out for assistance. Unfortunately, seems to fall short in this fundamental area, raising yet another significant concern.


Upon closer inspection, it became evident that lacks a functional and informative "Contact Us" page. This omission denies customers a direct channel to reach out to the retailer for inquiries, assistance, or problem resolution. The absence of essential contact details, such as a phone number, email address, or physical address, leaves customers stranded when they require support or clarification.

Final Verdict: Is Safe or a Scam?

As I meticulously investigated's claims, a cloud of doubt continued to linger over their legitimacy. The impersonation of a well-established brand, the unbelievably low prices, the negative customer reviews on Trustpilot, the association with a potential scam network, and the lack of a genuine social media presence all contribute to a concerning picture. There is a likelihood that may be a scam.

In light of these findings, cautious skepticism should be exercised when dealing with While the allure of incredible bargains may be tempting, the potential risks associated with questionable websites like warrant careful consideration.

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or needs to include relevant information, please contact using this form.

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