December 13, 2018
Author: James Greening

I've Been Scammed, What Now?

Realizing that you have been scammed can be infuriating and frustrating. It is not an easy fact to accept, but the quicker you do, the quicker you can take the necessary steps to improve the outcome of the situation. 

Take a Breath and Relax!

Before you take any action, it’s important to compose yourself.. Don’t panic or get angry. It can seem like everything has to be fixed as soon as possible, but sometimes taking a breath can help put things in perspective. 

It may help to talk to family or friends. Nearly everybody gets scammed at least once. It is not something to be ashamed of. Scammers are adept at manipulating and taking advantage of unsuspecting people. They exploit people who trust them the most. There is no need to feel embarrassed or guilty. You are the victim in this case and aren’t the first person to get scammed!

Stop Contact with the Scammer

You should immediately cease all communication with the scammer. No amount of angry messages or threats is going to make them give you your money back. The scammer might even try to scare you into making more payments. It is better to block all communication channels than to continue being in touch and risk more exploitation. 

Focus your energy on seeking the right kind of help, such as contacting law enforcement authorities, to minimise or reverse the damage. 

Check Your Online Security

If you believe you've given personal details or financial information to the scammer, make sure to change your passwords and inform your bank or credit card company. Scammers with access to your personal accounts might contact people in your list and try to scam them too by pretending to be you. 

Secure your accounts and inform your bank/credit card company as fast as possible to prevent the scammer from taking any more of your money or accessing your personal accounts.

Contact The Payment Provider

If you have been a victim of a scam, it is important you get in contact with the payment provider (eg. PayPal or the credit card company) or banking institution involved in the transaction. They will have a dedicated fraud adviser who will be best equipped to help you. 

There is often a chance you can get your money back! There might already be complaints made by others against the same scammer. Credit card companies and banks are well aware that online scams are commonplace and will assist you, provided you share the required information, such as proof of purchase. 

Report the Scammer!

You can get legal help against the scammer and prevent others from falling into the same trap that you did.

Report the scammer on Scamadviser by leaving a review of your experience. The more information you provide, the more helpful it will be. Don’t share sensitive information such as the transaction details, but be sure to detail how you came across the website, how the scam unfolded and how much money you lost. It can even be cathartic to share your experience with others.

There are specialised anti-cybercrime agencies to help people in your situation. Not only can you help stop the scammers by informing them, but they can also provide you with support on what to do with helpful resources for you to use. We have compiled an extensive list of (country-specific) links to help victims report scams to the proper authorities: How and Where to Report a Scam

The Next Steps

Once you have fallen for a scam, your name may be on a ‘sucker list’ shared among scammers. Other fraudsters might try to approach you, sometimes stating they want to help you get your money back. Only seek help through the right channels and never share any personal or financial information with strangers. 

It is crucial that you do not stay silent, feel self-pity or fret over having lost money. Even if you don’t get your money back, consider it an expensive life lesson. 

Cybercrimes are thought to be rare and minor as most victims of online scams are afraid to approach authorities and speak about their experiences with others. By talking about it publicly, you have a chance of obtaining your money back and getting the emotional support to get over the trauma of being exploited. 

The resources below contain helpful tips on getting your money back and tips to avoid falling victim to other kinds of scams. It is much simpler to arm yourself with the knowledge to avoid scams than it is to deal with scammers after losing money. 

How To Get Your Money Back

How To Recognize a Scam

How to Protect Your Identity Online

Online Scam Awareness Training

For more information, visit the Help & Info section of our website. You can also join our Facebook group Global Scam Fighters to report websites and help us raise awareness about scams. 

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