February 29, 2024
Author: James Greening

DMCA Copyright Infringement Scam - Commonwealth Legal Services

In the digital age, the realm of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is both a boon and a battleground. While legitimate SEO practices aim to enhance website visibility and credibility, nefarious tactics lurk in the shadows, waiting to exploit unsuspecting website owners. One such insidious scheme that has recently come to light is the Fake DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice scam, orchestrated by dubious SEO agencies targeting well-known websites. In this exposé, we delve into the depths of this deceptive ploy, shedding light on its inner workings and equipping website owners with the knowledge to thwart such attacks.

Modus Operandi

The modus operandi of the Fake DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice scam is as cunning as it is deceitful. Operating under the guise of a legitimate legal firm, these nefarious actors masquerade as representatives of reputable entities, issuing bogus copyright infringement notices to unsuspecting website owners. The fraudulent correspondence typically alleges unauthorised use of copyrighted material, accompanied by threats of legal action unless immediate compliance demands are met. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that the claims are baseless, with no merit or validity.

Case in Point

Consider our own case of, a well-known website, dedicated to exposing online scams, that recently received an unexpected email. The sender, claiming to represent a trademark attorney at Commonwealth Legal Services, accuses the website of copyright infringement related to an image used in one of its articles.

The demands are clear – insert a backlink to the client's website or face dire consequences under the guise of DMCA Section 512(c). However, upon diligent investigation, it is revealed that the claims are fabricated and the purported legal firm is nothing more than a facade for malicious intent. Suspiciously, the email originated from the domain ‘’ but the sender’s signature mentioned '’ which immediately raised our suspicions. We also could not find any evidence that ‘Nicole Roberts’ was a real person or that Commonwealth Legal was a real organisation.

Here's the email we received:

From: Nicole Roberts | Commonwealth Legal <>
Subject: DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice

Dear owner of,

We're reaching out on behalf of the Intellectual Property Division of a notable entity, in relation to an image connected to our associated client: [redacted website]

Image Reference:
Image Placement:

We've observed the above image being used at the above specified placement. We are emailing you to insist our client is correctly credited. A visible link to [redacted website] is necessary, placed either below the image or in the page's footer. This needs to be addressed within the next five business days.

We're sure you recognize the urgency of this request. Kindly understand that simply removing the image does not rectify the issue. Should we not see appropriate action within the given timeframe, we will reference case No. 84531 and implement legal proceedings as outlined in DMCA Section 512(c).

For your convenience, past usage records can be reviewed using the Wayback Machine at, the main recognized digital web archive.

Take this communication as a formal notice. We value your swift action and expect your cooperation.


Nicole Roberts
Trademark Attorney

Commonwealth Legal Services
3909 N 16th St, 4th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85016

At the heart of this scam lies a sinister agenda – the procurement of backlinks through coercion and intimidation. By preying on the fear of legal repercussions, these dubious SEO agencies seek to manipulate website owners into unwittingly promoting their clients' websites. The fraudulent copyright infringement notices serve as a Trojan horse, camouflaging the true objective of bolstering backlink portfolios under the guise of legal compliance.

ScamAdviser Writer Adam Collins who received the scam email states, "The moment I spotted that email about copyright issues, my curiosity kicked in. At ScamAdviser, it's standard to credit images, so receiving a legal notice felt off. After digging deeper, it seems to be a potential scam. Now, I'm sharing this with you so you can stay on guard against such online tricks."

Red Flags

Despite the veneer of authenticity, several red flags serve as warning signs of the scam:

  • Lack of Proof: The supposed legal firm provides no tangible evidence to substantiate their claims of copyright infringement. Furthermore, thorough scrutiny reveals that the image in question is sourced from a different website and is freely available for use.

  • Dubious Websites: Identical websites with different domain names were discovered, including,,,,, and, all operating under the same scam.

  • Dubious Contact Information: Upon further investigation, it is discovered that the address provided for Commonwealth Legal Services is fictitious and the associated phone number leads to a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) line, lacking credibility.

  • Misrepresentation of Website Age: Contrary to the footer claim of the website being established in 2018, domain registration records reveal that it was created in December 2023, casting doubt on the firm's credibility and authenticity.

We promptly reported the fake websites to Namecheap, the domain registrar, for immediate action. Thanks to their swift response, the domains associated with the scam were suspended, preventing further exploitation of unsuspecting victims.


Avoiding the DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice Scam

Armed with knowledge and vigilance, website owners can fortify their defences against such deceptive practices. Here are some essential tips to safeguard against falling victim to the Fake DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice scam:

  • Verify the Source: Scrutinise the legitimacy of the sender's credentials, including the purported legal firm's authenticity and verifiable contact information. Cross-reference with official registries or directories to validate their existence.

  • Authenticate the Claim: Conduct a thorough examination of the alleged copyright infringement, scrutinising the source and licence of the disputed material. Utilise reverse image search tools to ascertain its origin and rightful ownership.

  • Exercise Caution: Exercise caution when responding to unsolicited communications, especially those laden with threats or demands. Refrain from capitulating to pressure tactics and seek professional legal advice if in doubt.

  • Report Suspicious Activity: Report instances of fraudulent copyright infringement notices to relevant authorities and domain registrars promptly. 

  • Stay Informed: Stay abreast of emerging trends and scams within the digital landscape, empowering yourself with knowledge to identify and thwart nefarious schemes proactively.

In Conclusion

The Fake DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice scam represents a nefarious exploitation of legal frameworks for illicit gain. By arming themselves with awareness and vigilance, website owners can inoculate themselves against such deceptive practices, safeguarding their digital assets and preserving the integrity of their online presence.

Moreover, it's crucial to remain vigilant against various online scams. Remember, even the most well-known websites can fall prey to such schemes. For further insights into protecting your brand’s online presence from scams, consider referring to our previous article on SEO Agency Extortion Scam.

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